Six of the Commissioners from the Commission on the Integration of Refugees visited Glasgow in April. Before heading to the hearing at the Trades Hall, three of the commissioners took time to make a visit to MIN to meet staff and volunteers to discuss our work and understand more about the issues we face.
One of the commissioners was the Bishop of Chelmsford, the Rt Revd Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani, who arrived in the UK from Iran as a refugee when she was aged 14. She said of her meeting with MIN:
“It’s been a great privilege to spend the morning here at Maryhill Integration Network. There is such important and meaningful work being done to bring together communities and support those building a new home here. Hearing their stories and understanding more about how the system effects lives so profoundly has been very moving. A huge thanks to all those who met with us, it’s enormously important for our work as commissioners.”
Read more about the commission here: https://refugeeintegrationuk.com/about/
Further press coverage by The Herald